The Art and Science of Love
We use research-based approaches to relationship counseling, including both Emotionally-Focused (EFT) and Gottman Method Therapy
Dr. Lisa Hardebeck
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Fully Certified (Level 4)
Gottman Therapist,​
The Gottman Institute
Fully Certified
Emotionally Focused
Couples Therapist (EFT)
Certified Discernment Counselor, Doherty Relationship Institute
Dr. Hardebeck is one of only a few psychologists in the United States who is fully certified in both EFT and Gottman practices.
Dr. Michael Cohn
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Advanced training in
Emotionally Focused
Couples Therapy (EFT)
In working with couples, our psychologists draw on their thorough training in Gottman Method Couples Therapy, as well as Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy. We also utilize other approaches, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Integrative Sex Therapy, etc. We help steer couples through difficult times, and teach skills that can dramatically improve the intimacy and friendship in your relationship, while helping to manage conflict in a healthy, positive manner.
The Gottman Method is a world-renowned program that has helped millions of couples worldwide. The program is developed from 40 years of research with more than 3,000 couples, and is grounded in what actually works in relationships that are happy and stable, not idealistic notions or anecdotal evidence of what a relationship should be.
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a well-known approach to psychotherapy formulated in the 1980’s by Dr. Sue Johnson, and developed in tandem with the science of adult attachment, a profound developmental theory of personality and intimate relationships. This approach, validated by by the American Psychological Association, has been met with unprecedented success in helping distressed couples improve their relationship and deepen their bond.
We offer five options for couples:
Insurance and fees:
Unfortunately, insurance companies do not deem couples counseling as "medically necessary," and thus do not cover couples or marriage therapy.
As such, couples therapy is an "out-of-pocket" expense and not covered by medical insurance.
Please understand that we disagree with the insurance industry’s determination on this issue; we believe couples’ relationships are a foundational resource that supports both individual and family health and, consequently, the health of our communities as a whole. It’s a big deal to us! Nevertheless, we must abide by insurance rules on this; which means we collect fees for couples counseling directly from clients, and we do not submit claims to insurance for the service.
You should know that therapists who “creatively” bill insurance for couples counseling using inaccurate service and/or diagnosis codes are placing themselves – and you – in jeopardy. If investigated, you may be required to repay your insurance company full costs for past sessions, and the company may have grounds to drop your coverage.
Dr. Cohn's rates:
Regular/weekly counseling sessions - $275 per 80 minute session
Ad-hoc (occasional) counseling sessions - $325 per 80 minute session
Discernment counseling (1-5 sessions) - $400 per 80 minute session
Contact us regarding rates for Intensive / Expanded appointments
Dr. Hardebeck's rates:
Regular/weekly counseling sessions - $325 per 80 minute session
Ad-hoc (occasional) counseling sessions - $375 per 80 minute session
Discernment counseling (1-5 sessions) - $425 per 80 minute session
Contact us regarding rates for Intensive / Expanded appointments
NOTE: Dr. Cohn and Dr. Hardebeck meet frequently to consult on cases and draw on one another's experience and expertise.

Couples/relationship/marriage counseling